Columnist: Bill Cuebas

Inside OGIO’s New 2018 Cirrus MB Stand Bag

  • by Pat
  • 7 Years ago
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By Bill Cuebas The brand name OGIO should conjure images of high quality and innovative design. The company creates golf products that are stylish, as well as, functional. My first thoughts were of how incredibly light the bag felt. At just over three pounds, OGIO uses the most lightweight fabrics and materials to help the […]

Are JumboMax Grips Right for YOU?

  • by Pat
  • 7 Years ago
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By Bill Cuebas In a recent interview, John Mazzanoble, president of JumboMax Grips, provided insight into the research and technology that led to the manufacture of JumboMax Grips.    He explained why he uses the JumboMax Tour series midsize grips on his irons, but bumps up to the extra-large size for his wedges.   Upon receiving a […]

An Enjoyable Experience in the PGA Tour Super Store Fitting Van

  • by Pat
  • 7 Years ago
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By: Bill Cuebas How many times have you tried to correct your swing, but your game never seems to improve? Despite the efforts of the instructor, the athleticism of the player or determination of the student, if the set of clubs do not fit the player, improvement is difficult at best, but probably impossible. Every […]

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