2020 Was Beyond Difficult! for NOGA’s Robb Schulze

  • by Fred
  • 4 Years ago
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Robb Schulze, CEO Northern Ohio Golf Associations 


To say 2020 was a difficult year is a massive understatement. The issues caused by the pandemic were completely different than we at the Northern Ohio Golf Association (NOGA) have ever faced. We initially had no idea where to start, or what to do and we are very proud of how our team came together to find solutions to the problems that faced our 175 clubs and 27,000 members. 


Zoom became the preferred method of communicating and as we learned more it became the standard means of communication. In addition to talking with our member clubs, the four other associations in Ohio communicated closely with each other to find ways to best serve golf around the state and work with government officials to help return golfers to the course. 


Together the case was made to public health officials, “If you can’t be socially distant on a 400 acre golf course, where can you feel safe?” 


New rules were enforced to leave flagsticks in and not to be touched. Bunker rakes were taken off the course and strict protocols were established to sanitize golf carts after each use.  


Another major change in golf in 2020 was the new World Golf Handicap System. NOGA helped implement the new World Golf Handicap System that went into effect at the beginning of the year. Although first met with some consternation the process has been well received and is now firmly in place. 


“The World Handicap System is doing a better job of monitoring handicaps and making it more fair for the average golfer. On the whole the overall response to the new handicap system has been positive.” 


You don’t have to be a country club member to join NOGA. Every golfer with a GHIN handicap is eligible to join and enter NOGA tournaments. 


Another area in which NOGA has taken the lead is the use of The TURN for physically disadvantaged individuals to use golf for therapy. The Turn began over 20 years ago and continues to provide a place where people can find they can compete in an outdoor activity, after they have experienced a severe physical or mental trauma. 


Something new for 2021 


The Toledo District Golf Association and NOGA agreed to merge their operations under the guidance of NOGA beginning January 1, 2021. This new alliance will provide additional tournament opportunities for golfers across Northern Ohio.  


“This merger was a perfect fit for both associations and will help provide a high level of service to both memberships for many years to come.” 


NOGA will continue to look for new ways to serve our membership and provide golfing opportunities to enjoy competition at every level. 


NOGA CEO, Robb Schulze reviews the challenges and triumphs on Back 9 Report TVhttps://youtu.be/-I8RKc4GBIk 

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